
« Boreel, Adam Bornemann, Friedrich Wilhelm Bernhard Bornhaeuser, Karl Bernhard »

Bornemann, Friedrich Wilhelm Bernhard

BORNEMANN, bōr´ne-mɑ̄n, FRIEDRICH WILHELM BERNHARD: German Lutheran theologian; b. at Lüneburg (68 m. n.n.e. of Hanover) Mar. 2, 1858. He was educated at the universities of Göttingen (Ph.D., 1879) and Leipsic, and was successively tutor at Bremen (1879) and Medingen (1880). Two years later he became inspector of the seminary at Göttingen, and in 1884 was privat-docent for church history in the same university. In 1886 he was appointed inspector of the seminary for theological candidates at Magdeburg, where he became professor in the following year. From 1898 to 1902 he was professor of theology at Basel, and since the latter year has been pastor of the Luther Church at Frankfort. His works include In investiganda monachatus origine quibus de causis ratio habenda sit Origenis (Göttingen,1886); Die Unzulänglichkeit des theologischen Studiums (Leipsic, 1886; anonymous); Kirchenideale und Kirchenreformen (1887); Schulandachten (Berlin, 1889); Bittere Wahrheiten (5th ed., Göttingen,1891); Unterricht im Christentum (1891); Die Thessalonicherbriefe 235(1894; in Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament); Historische und praktische Theologie (Basel, 1898); Die Allegorie in Kunst, Wissenschaft und Kirche (Freiburg, 1899); Einführung in die evangelische Missionskunde (Tübingen, 1902); and Bete und Arbeite! (Leipsic, 1904; a collection of sermons). He likewise translated the "Confessions" of St. Augustine (Gotha, 1889).

« Boreel, Adam Bornemann, Friedrich Wilhelm Bernhard Bornhaeuser, Karl Bernhard »
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